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Papa Khan/Dialogue

UI C Icon ChiLun 01.pngThis is a transcript for dialogue with Papa Khan.


GREETING GREETING Anger 15 We'll begin readying the camp to move. As soon as Caesar makes his move, we'll depart. We will make ourselves strong again, and we shall conquer! 1
GREETING Surprise 20 So, the cub enters the wolf's den. What do you want, cub? 2
GREETING Surprise 30 All four of my most trusted advisors have told me we should break our alliance - maybe I should hear you out after all. 3
GREETING Surprise 15 I'm beginning to hear troubling rumors from my advisors. Would you know anything about that? 4
GREETING Surprise 15 More of my advisors are starting to talk openly of breaking our alliance. I wonder where that idea is coming from? 5
GREETING Happy 30 I understand you dealt the NCR a crushing defeat at Forlorn Hope. I hope that trend continues. 6
Happy 50 That's why I've made a decision: I'm naming you my heir. When I die, leadership of the Great Khans will pass to you. 7
GREETING Happy 35 You've been doing good things for us - don't think I haven't noticed. What can I do for you? 8
GREETING Happy 50 It's always a pleasure to see you around the camp. 9
GREETING Disgust 15 Are you going to help us this time, or vex us? 10
GREETING Disgust 25 And so the unpredictable one returns. What do you want from us? 11
GREETING Anger 20 I've got little enough patience for you. Consider your words carefully - you don't want me as an enemy. 12
GREETING Anger 50 In the past, I'd have had someone like you executed for showing their face here - consider yourself lucky I don't have the warriors to spare. 13
GREETING Neutral 50 Ah, you're back. What else do you need? 14
KarlCaesar Who are you? Happy 35 {Amused} You march all the way out to Red Rock Canyon, enter my home as bold as you please, and you have no idea who I am? You've got guts, I'll give you that. 15
Anger 10 Well, then, let me educate you: I am the chief of the Great Khans - the Khan of Khans, if you like. This is my tribe and these are my people. 16
PapaKhanCaesar I've come to ask the Great Khans to break their alliance with Caesar's Legion. Surprise 35 Have you now? Hmm. Well, you're a bold one, I'll give you that, but why should I do this for you? 17
I've come to ask the Great Khans to break their alliance with Caesar's Legion. Fear 15 Hmm. I have heard some things from my most trusted Khans that makes me wonder whether this alliance is a good idea after all. 18
Sad 50 But I want to leave a legacy of greatness when I die. My tribe deserves better than this, cowering in a canyon and living on scraps. 19
Pained 30 Tell me then, if I don't join with Caesar's Legion, where will I find my tribe's lost glory? 20
PapaKhanKarlDisgrace You should look at this. It's Karl's journal, and it's very revealing of his true opinions. Disgust 50 Let me see that... "filthy savages? Probably have to decimate the lot of them?" Are these the words of our "friend," Caesar? 21
Anger 50 Great Khans! Drive Caesar's dog out of our camp! If he's too slow to flee, kill him! 22
This is a ledger from Caesar's camp, showing what Karl really has planned for the Great Khans. Surprise 20 What's this? Ah, yes, I've heard that the Legion has sometimes had to quell tribes that did not share its vision. 23
Happy 30 The Khans, though, are protected by Caesar's emissary - I have Karl's word we will remain our own tribe as long as we remain loyal to Caesar. 24
Anger 25 Take your slander elsewhere. 25
PapaKhanKhans Can you tell me about your people? Anger 25 You want to hear the story of the Great Khans? It's a long one, full of honor, glory and betrayal. We have suffered, but we will regain our glory. 26
PapaKhanPowderGangers I've come with an offer of alliance from the Powder Gangers at Vault 19. Neutral 50 And what benefit would this alliance give us? 27
VEndingGreatKhans VEndingGreatKhans Neutral 50 {narrating} After generations of being beaten down, the Great Khans were finally broken by the Courier. 28
Neutral 50 Those few who avoided the Courier's wrath moved north, into the wilderness of Idaho, where they tried once more to rebuild. 29
VEndingGreatKhans Neutral 50 {Narrating} After the Second Battle of Hoover Dam, the Great Khans returned for a time to Red Rock Canyon. 30
Neutral 50 The NCR's pressing need to expand proved greater than its promise of amnesty, and before long the government decided the Khans had to go. 31
Neutral 50 The surviving Great Khans were relocated to an isolated, barren reservation, well north of NCR trade routes. 32
VEndingGreatKhans Neutral 50 {Narrating} For supporting the NCR, the Great Khans were ruthlessly hunted down by the victorious Legion. 33
Neutral 50 Caesar destroyed all evidence of their existence at Red Rock Canyon, and forbade mention of their name in any history. 34
Neutral 50 The Great Khans' legacy was swiftly forgotten. 35
VEndingGreatKhans Neutral 50 {Narrating} As reward for their loyal service, Caesar forcibly integrated the Great Khans into the Legion. 36
Neutral 50 The sick and elderly were killed, the women sold as wives to ranking officers, and the tribe's identity was annihilated. 37
Neutral 50 Though many Great Khans mourned the death of their tribe, many more were ultimately satisfied with their revenge against NCR. 38
VEndingGreatKhans Neutral 50 {Narrating} After driving the Legion out of the Mojave Wasteland, the victorious NCR turned its attention to those who had allied themselves with Caesar. 39
Neutral 50 The Great Khans were among the first tribes to suffer this fate, and the few who survived Hoover Dam were driven north, into the wilderness of Idaho. 40
VEndingGreatKhans Neutral 50 {Narrating} During the Battle of Hoover Dam, the Great Khans quickly evacuated Red Rock Canyon and headed north and east into the plains of Wyoming. 41
Neutral 50 There, they reconnected with the Followers of the Apocalypse and rebuilt their strength. 42
Neutral 50 Bolstered by ancient knowledge of governance, economics, and transportation, they carved a mighty empire out of the ruins of the Northwest. 43
VEndingGreatKhans Neutral 50 {Narrating} After their suicidal last stand at Hoover Dam, the Great Khans ceased to exist as a tribe. 44
Neutral 50 The few surviving members dispersed, joining up with other tribes and gangs across the Mojave, and quickly forgot their heritage. 45
VMS42VRRCPapaKhanTopic000 The Powder Gangers have access to large quantities of explosives, which they'd be willing to share. Neutral 50 Well now... the armory could always use more firepower. Very well. Tell the Powder Gangers we accept their offer. 46
Neutral 50 However, they would still have to pass the initiation rite to truly join our ranks. 47
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic000 Caesar is only using you, he doesn't actually care about the Great Khans. Surprise 50 Doesn't he? Caesar's representative tells a different tale. 48
Anger 35 The glory of the Great Khans will be restored, and once the NCR is pushed back to California, all the land from here to the Colorado will be ours.
Caesar is only using you, he doesn't actually care about the Great Khans. Anger 35 I won't hear any more talk against Caesar or his alliance. The Great Khans will answer Caesar's call to war, and the NCR will pay for their crimes. 50
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic001 Do you really think Caesar is going to restore your tribe to glory? You'll be made slaves. Anger 30 Hah! The Great Khans will not be slaves. Caesar himself has promised us the land from here to the Colorado and the freedom to raid as we see fit. 51
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic002 Because the NCR is the best hope for long-term stability in the region, not Caesar. Disgust 80 {Suddenly cold and furious} Don't you dare mention the NCR under this roof. They are butchers without honor, killers of women and children! 52
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic003 You don't need to look outward, mighty Khan. Your tribe is proud and strong - claim your own glory! Sad 25 [SUCCEEDED] Well-spoken, traveler. Well spoken indeed. Perhaps it's time to find our own destiny unburdened by the past. 53
Happy 25 We'll begin readying the camp to move. As soon as Caesar makes his move, we'll depart. We will make ourselves strong again, and we shall conquer! 54
Anger 50 Great Khans! Drive Caesar's dog out of our camp! If he's too slow to flee, kill him! 55
You don't need to look outward, mighty Khan. Your tribe is proud and strong - claim your own glory! Sad 25 [SUCCEEDED] Well-spoken, traveler. Well spoken indeed. Perhaps it's time to find our own destiny unburdened by the past. 56
Happy 25 We'll begin readying the camp to move. As soon as Caesar makes his move, we'll depart. We will make ourselves strong again, and we shall conquer! 57
Who cares about glory? Better to live without glory than die pointlessly, if you ask me. Disgust 25 [FAILED] You talk like glory is a hollow, meaningless thing. Maybe to you it is, but not to the Great Khans. 58
Sad 35 Show me something to inspire my people, or we march with Caesar, despite my misgivings. 59
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic004 That sounds wise. I wish you the best. Happy 50 If you should ever tire of wandering alone, seek us out. You might just have the makings of a Great Khan yourself. 60
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic005 Hey, as long as you aren't fighting for Caesar, I don't care what you do. Happy 35 Whatever your motivation was, I think we owe you a debt. 61
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic006 Now that we've got that out of the way, I don't suppose you'd consider joining the NCR instead? Anger 50 {Suddenly goes cold} You've helped me see Caesar for what he is, and I thank you for that - but if you suggest that again I will have your head. 62
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic008 All right, all right, don't get touchy. Just stick around for a while. I might change your mind. Disgust 25 We'll remain until the camp is packed up. If you have some plan, see to it quickly. 63
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic009 What great legacy do the Great Khans have? Your tribe is nothing but ghosts and martyrs. Anger 50 [SUCCEEDED] I should have you torn apart for speaking like that - but maybe you're right. The glory of the past is an empty dream. 64
Sad 50 If the Khans are to be immortal, we must make our own destiny. We won't fight for Caesar, but when he strikes, we will ride out one last time. 65
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic010 Any idea where I might look to find such inspiration from the past? Sad 10 The Followers of the Apocalypse keep many records of the past. It's been a long time since we associated with them, but they might have something. 66
Anger 20 Until you do find me something, though, know that I still plan to lead the Great Khans to fight for Caesar. 67
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic011 Have a look at this book. If you want to see what your tribe could be, read about the Mongol Empire. Happy 50 Hmm... this is exactly the kind of symbol the Khans could unite behind. 68
Anger 25 We'll begin readying the camp to move. As soon as Caesar makes his move, we'll depart. We will make ourselves strong again, and we shall conquer! 69
Have a look at this book. If you want to see what your tribe could be, read about the Mongol Empire. Happy 50 Hmm... this is exactly the kind of symbol the Khans could unite behind. 70
Anger 25 We'll begin readying the camp to move. As soon as Caesar makes his move, we'll depart. We will make ourselves strong again, and we shall conquer! 71
Have a look at this book. If you want to see what your tribe could be, read about the Mongol Empire. Anger 50 Great Khans! Drive Caesar's dog out of our camp! If he's too slow to flee, kill him! 72
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic012 This is a great honor. I don't know what to say. Happy 25 You don't have to say anything - I am Papa Khan, and I have spoken. When I'm gone, you will lead the tribe. 73
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic013 Have a look at this book. Your tribe is nothing but a bunch of thugs, aping the glories of the past. Anger 50 I should have you torn apart for speaking like that - but maybe you're right. The glory of the past is an empty dream. 74
Sad 50 If the Khans are to be immortal, we must make our own destiny. We won't fight for Caesar, but when he strikes, we will ride out one last time. 75
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic014 Maybe you could give me the short version. Happy 30 In a hurry, are you? Very well then: The Great Khans came east out of the NCR 14 years ago. We ruled the Wastes, then, and called no man master. 76
Pained 35 But we underestimated the Families of the Strip, and they drove us back to Bitter Springs, where we remained until the NCR arrived and drove us here. 77
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic015 On second thought, let's talk about something else. Disgust 20 Typical. No reverence for history in the younger generations. 78
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic016 How did the Three Families defeat you? Disgust 50 They allied with Mr. House, the self-proclaimed master of New Vegas. He supported them with the resources of New Vegas: weapons, technology, caps. 79
Sad 50 They were better equipped, and we could not stand against them. 80
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic017 What happened at Bitter Springs? Happy 50 When the NCR came to the Mojave, we thought they would be easy pickings. We raided their caravans, their towns, their camps - they couldn't stop us. 81
Pained 50 At least, that's what we thought. They tracked us to Bitter Springs and surrounded us. 82
Anger 50 When our children, our sick and old, fled through a nearby pass, the NCR gunned them down. 83
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic018 That doesn't sound like something the NCR would order. Disgust 50 Oh, they claimed it was a miscommunication, but tell that to those who saw our families butchered. Tell it to the survivors who were banished here. 84
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic019 That's horrible! Anger 50 It's because of that that we have sworn to take revenge on the NCR. With our new allies in Caesar's Legion, we will crush them! 85
VMS45VRRCPapaKhanTopic020 I don't want that kind of responsibility. Anger 20 Then when I die, you can pass control of the Great Khans on to Regis. For now you are my heir, and will be accorded the honor of that position. 86


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 Farewell. 87
Goodbye. Neutral 50 Farewell, brother. 88
Goodbye. Neutral 50 Farewell, sister. 89
PapaKhanKarl PapaKhanKarl Anger 50 Great Khans! Drive Caesar's dog out of our camp! If he's too slow to flee, kill him! 90