This is the transcript of a dialogue or message file, a file which contains the dialogue of a non-player character in a given game or ingame messages related to scripts and items. |
Dialogue for Cornelius, an old man who helps run Rose's Bed and Breakfast.
{100}{}{You see an old man.}
{101}{}{You see Cornelius.}
{102}{}{Other than the slightly unsettled look on his face, there appears to be nothing out of the ordinary about him.}
{150}{}{Welcome to Rose's Bed and Breakfast. My name is Rose -- I mean, Cornelius -- and I run this bed and breakfast. Can I help you?}
{151}{}{If you run this place, then how come it’s called ROSE’S Bed and Breakfast?}
{152}{}{I’m looking for a gold watch.}
{153}{}{What do you do here?}
{154}{}{Who’s Rose?}
{155}{}{I'm interested in getting a room.}
{156}{}{Questions? Was I asking you something? Hi, my name’s Cornelius.}
{162}{}{You need some serious help, old man.}
{163}{}{Farrel’s got your watch in a wall safe. Let’s string him up.}
{164}{}{I found your watch at Farrel’s house. You were right; Farrel is the thief.}
{165}{}{It seems an industrious rat made off with your watch. I recovered this from its nest.}
{166}{}{Hello thar! Have we met?}
{176}{}{My God! Somebody killed my best friend, Farrel! The whole town is looking for the murderer. We’re going to lynch him when we catch him!}
{177}{}{I killed him. What are going to do about it, you crazy old man?}
{178}{}{Whoa! Look at the time. I have to be going.}
{179}{}{Rose is my wife; I named this place after her. Did you know I’m married?}
{180}{}{Can I ask you some more questions?}
{181}{}{THEN WHY DON’T YOU ASK THAT NO-GOOD FARREL!? MAYBE HE’LL SELL YOU THE WATCH HE STOLE FROM ME! Now if you don’t mind, I’m quite busy. I got to shave the brahmin.}
{182}{}{I run this motel. Yep, this place would fall apart if it weren’t for me. Have you been to the outhouse? Cleanest outhouse you’ve ever been to. That’s my doing.}
{183}{}{What does having a clean outhouse have to do with running this place?}
{184}{}{Rose is my wife. She runs the kitchen. You won’t find a better meal anywheres else. Rose, she's so beautiful. I’m going to marry her some day.}
{185}{}{I thought you just said Rose is your wife.}
{186}{}{I have a room. I sleep over there. Where do you sleep?}
{187}{}{I don't think you understand. I would like to rent a room for the night.}
{188}{}{A while back, I forget when... my best friend of 30… or was it 40 years? Oh, it doesn’t matter, what matters is that he stole my precious gold pocket watch. It has been handed down in my family for five, no six, err... four generations. Yep, I distinctly remember setting it down on my desk. Then, when I looked on the kitchen table, it was gone.}
{189}{}{OK, I’ll bring your watch back.}
{190}{}{Did you try looking for it on your desk?}
{191}{}{You’ll help me? That’s great! Go beat up Farrel and get my watch back. He probably hid it good. So tear his house apart and look for it.}
{192}{}{What are you talking about?}
{193}{}{Look, I don’t want any part of this.}
{194}{}{Kill Farrel, get watch back… got it? I’ll be right back.}
{195}{}{Kill Farrel? Who’s going to kill Farrel? He’s my best friend! I’ll personally string up the villain who tries to kill Farrel.}
{196}{}{I accept the job, and I expect payment upon completion.}
{197}{}{I can’t take this anymore. I’m leaving.}
{198}{}{Of course, I’ll pay you. As soon as you finish cleaning out the barn come back and see me.}
{199}{}{I have a watch. It was a gold watch. I wonder where I put it?}
{200}{}{Yes, yes, yes. I’ve looked in my sock drawer. It’s not there, either.}
{201}{}{I’ll keep a lookout for your watch while I’m in town.}
{202}{}{There’s no way I’m helping a crazy old man like you. I'm outta here.}
{203}{}{I knew I couldn’t trust him! I’m gonna string him up by the ears until he gives me back my watch.}
{204}{}{There’s nothing in there. Sheriff Jo and myself looked there already.}
{206}{}{He did? I knew it! I’ll teach him a lesson he’ll never forget. You’d better stay here or you might get hurt.}
{207}{}{That’s my watch! What are you doing with that? Give it back! [He snatches the watch from your hands.] I think you better go; we don’t take kindly to thieves around here.}
{208}{}{That’s gratitude for you.}
{209}{}{Have you tried Rose’s omelets? They’re delicious.}
{210}{}{I saw Jonny playing by the well with his dog Laddie. What a nice kid.}
{211}{}{Don’t go to the Ghost Farm unless you’re tired of living.}
{212}{}{Miria is a nice girl. We used to play doctor when she was little.}
{213}{}{Davin is a nice kid. I wonder why he doesn’t look anything like his father?}
{214}{}{I was sitting on the toilet one day and a big dog climbed out of the sewer. Scared me half to death.}
{215}{}{Grisham is a nice fellow. He sells us scraps to feed the giant chicken.}
{216}{}{Stay away from the chicken coop! I almost lost an arm feeding that thing.}
{217}{}{Rose’s dogs are vicious, but I just throw them some jerky and they don’t pay me no mind.}
{218}{}{Farrel’s my best friend in the whole world.}
{219}{}{Laddie is a smart dog. I talk to him all the time.}
{220}{}{I hear Grisham is trying to marry off his kids. I wonder if Rose wouldn’t mind if I got another wife.}
{222}{}{Pog? Whatever happened to that game, anyway? Well, I have to go. Maybe we can play later.}
{225}{}{Me kill Farrel.}
{300}{}{[Hmmm... Certain words seem to set him off.] Rose... Room... Running...}
{501}{}{I always knew you were a thief!}
{502}{}{How could you do this to your best friend!}
{503}{}{I'm gonna kill you!}
{504}{}{I'm gonna mount your head on my wall!}
{550}{}{He appears to be pre-occupied at the moment.}
{600}{}{You have returned the watch to Cornelius.}
{650}{}{You have resolved the dispute between Cornelius and Farrel.}