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Fallout Wiki

Fallout 4 Radio Stations

(Redirected from Automatron radio stations)

Radio Stations can be heard on the Pip-Boy in Fallout 4.


Radio stations that can be received all across The Commonwealth.

Location based

Radio stations that can only be received in certain parts of the Commonwealth:

Creation Club

Radio stations that can only be received if the corresponding Creation Club content is installed. Most of these radio stations can be heard immediately after entering the game, following installation of the mod.

Add-on stations

Radio stations that can only be received if the corresponding add-on is installed and, for some, has the required level, is in range and/or has completed a required quest.


Far Harbor

Vault-Tec Workshop


Frequency table

Image Name Frequency Range Game
Automated radio alarm radio.png Automated Radio Alarm 87.300003 1.5 squares Fallout 4

Fo4 Greenbriar Radio Signal Camp.png Greenbriar Radio Signal 86.0 Fallout 4

Fo4 location Unintelligible radio signal inside.jpg Unintelligible Radio Signal 86.10 1.7 squares Fallout 4

Trinity radio tower.png Trinity Tower Radio 99.5 20000 Fallout 4

Fo4 location Supermutant radio broadcast inside.jpg Supermutant Radio Broadcast 87.599998 17800 Fallout 4

Skylanesflight1665.png Skylanes 1665 Mayday 86.400002 17300 Fallout 4

FO4 Silver Shroud poster radio (2).png Silver Shroud Radio 89.0 15000 Fallout 4

Fo4 New settler.png Settlement Recruitment Beacon 2 Fallout 4

Fo4 backyard bunker interior.png Separated Family Radio Signal 87.5 14500 Fallout 4

Raider radio signal.png Raider Radio Signal 86.199997 12000 Fallout 4

FO4 Minutemen Flag.png Radio Freedom 105.0 The Commonwealth Fallout 4

Nautical radio signal.png Nautical Radio Signal 86.8000 Fallout 4

Fo4 location Miller family radio signal inside.jpg Miller Family Radio Signal 87.699997 1 square Fallout 4

Fo4 location Boston City Works Beacon ham radio.jpg Boston City Works Beacon 87.400002 6800 units Fallout 4

Infobox.webp Kellogg's memory radio broadcast Fallout 4

Military frequency AF95.png Military Frequency AF95 95.0 The Commonwealth Fallout 4

FO4 RelayTower1DL-109.png Garbled Radio Beacon 86.900002 1.5 squares Fallout 4

Fo4 location Cave southern.jpg Distress Signal (Relay Tower 0DB-521) 86.5000 2.2 squares Fallout 4

Fo4 location Civil Alert System Broadcast inside.jpg Civil Alert System Broadcast 87.099998 14000 units Fallout 4

UI C Icon Dian 279627 31.png Classical Radio (Fallout 4) 91.0 The Commonwealth Fallout 4

Default radio signal interior.jpg Default Radio Signal 86.5 13000 units (1.5 squares) Fallout 4

DiamondSignDCR01.png Diamond City Radio 98.0 Unlimited Fallout 4

Distress pulser.png Distress Signal (Knight Astlin) 107.10 5000-5255 Fallout 4

Distress pulser.png Distress Signal (Knight Varham) 107.00 9000-10000 Fallout 4

Fo4 location Distress signal 0BB-915 inside.jpg Distress Signal (Relay Tower 0BB-915) 86.3000 1.5 squares Fallout 4

Distress-Signal-Interior-Traincar1-Interior.jpg Distress Signal (Relay Tower 1DL-109) 1.2 squares Fallout 4

Fo4 location Distress signal 0SC-527 inside.jpg Distress Signal (Relay Tower 0SC-527) 86.2000 2 squares Fallout 4

Distress pulser.png Distress Signal (Scribe Faris) 107.20 8300-9000 Fallout 4

Infobox.webp Emergency Frequency RJ1138 102.0 15000 units Fallout 4

WRVR broadcast station.jpg WRVR Broadcast Station Fallout 4

Dlc06vltsignwelcome88 01 d.webp Vault 88 Radio Beacon 92.0 The Commonwealth Vault-Tec Workshop

Nuka-World entry.png Raider Radio 106.5 Nuka-World
The Commonwealth (optional)

Nuka-ColaLogoHorizontalCurved-w-HyphenBanner.png Nuka-Cola Family Radio 97.0 Unlimited Nuka-World

FH Old Longfellow.jpg Shipbreaker's Radio Frequency 83.0 16000 Far Harbor

EdenMeadows-Sign-FarHarbor.jpg Eden Meadows Cinema (Radio Station) 103.5 Far Harbor

FO4 Valentine Agency neon sign.png Valentine's Detective Agency Radio 94.0 Unlimited Far Harbor

Infobox.webp Radio distress signal 94.800003 65000 Creation Club

Infobox.webp Faint Radio Signal 94.599998 Unlimited Creation Club

Infobox.webp Strange Signal 94.699997 Unlimited Creation Club

Infobox.webp Gunner Signal Remnant 94.989998 Unlimited Creation Club

Infobox.webp Vault-Tec Distress Signal 88.0 Unlimited Creation Club


Frequencies used in mods are listed in the resource below, for use by other modders to avoid issues.